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Jun 28, 2024

Neocon Dan Crenshaw Pines for World War 3, Says ‘Surely Our Children Will One Day Have to Be in Europe Fighting For Our Allies’

By Shane Trejo

Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), a.k.a. Eye Patch McCain, penned an op/ed in the neoconservative rag National Review where he revealed his grandiose delusions of sending American children to die in Europe during World War 3.

The op/ed arrogantly titled, “Of Course Supporting Ukraine Is in America’s Interests,” argued in favor of limitless military aid to Ukraine in order to keep America’s proxy war against Russia going indefinitely.

“We have two choices; we can either keep the aggressive Russian Army where it is, or we can let it murder tens of thousands more Ukrainians and position itself on the borders of four NATO countries,” Crenshaw said.

“There are no other choices. There is no magical third option in which we get “peace” or Europeans can support Ukraine without American help. Putin won’t agree to peace as long as he thinks he can keep advancing,” he continued.

Crenshaw claimed that unless America keeps supporting a proxy war in Ukraine, Putin will continue “his aggression against our NATO allies in the Baltic states.”

“This is the scenario that brings us to the brink of a shooting war. It may not happen this year or next, but surely our children will one day have to be in Europe fighting for our allies,” he said.

“So, despite the critics’ claim that “we are perpetuating a war” by assisting Ukraine, the truth is that their preferred option — leaving Ukraine to be conquered and subjugated — actually brings us closer to war,” Crenshaw added.

Crenshaw was a major supporter of the disastrous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which shows how skewed his perspective is and how little credibility he has when it comes to matters of foreign policy. He had the audacity to claim that dumping billions into Ukraine is somehow making America stronger.

“We are “reawakening” our dormant and decaying supply chains and production lines, which will help us be better prepared for a potential conflict against China. In the end, we have spent only about 5–10 percent of our annual defense budget to support Ukraine, and we have gotten massive strategic benefits from it,” Crenshaw said.

“When the future of American security and global dominance is at stake, we must put politics aside and do the hard work of actually explaining these issues to our constituents,” Crenshaw said to conclude his op/ed.

Crenshaw is a George W. Bush-era Republican. His ideology has no place in the America First Republican Party led by Donald Trump.