A poll worker with the Clark County Elections Department in Nevada is blowing the whistle in a signed affidavit making appalling allegations of electoral fraud that they claim has occurred in the key battleground state.
“We were told by (my team leader), and two other assistants to advise people who wanted to register to vote and did not have the proper Nevada ID/Driver’s License, that they could go out in the parking lot and make an appointment with the DMV to get a Nevada ID/Driver’s License, and then bring in proof of their appointment confirmation (either a paper copy or show it on their phone to us) and then they could be registered,” the whistleblower said in their deposition.
“They were then permitted to vote with a provisional ballot, even though their appointments were not until January of 2021. We were told this was being allowed all over the Valley, at all polling places,” they continued.
The whistleblower described catching Democrats altering ballots in a seemingly unlawful manner, which they then allegedly attempted to obscure once they realize they were being watched.
“I personally witnessed two people handing multiple unopened mail in ballot envelopes to two other people who then opened and filled out the ballots against the side of the Biden/Harris van. The same two people who marked the ballots then put the marked ballots in official pink and white envelopes. These individuals were not poll workers,” they explained.
The whistleblower added that eventually “there were 5 or 6 additional people who formed a human wall, which moved as I walked by, apparently in an attempt to block my view of the four people who were opening envelopes, marking ballots, and placing those ballots in the pink and white return envelopes.” This was ignored by the team leader when the whistleblower reported the violation through the proper channels.
“I regularly saw people walking in with multiple ballots. We were not allowed to talk to the monitors or observers. We were not supposed to say anything ever to the observers,” the whistleblower said.
The whistleblower’s entire deposition can be seen here, with Sean Davis of The Federalist noting that Nevada’s democrat attorney general Aaron Ford has not taken any concrete action to investigate these explosive claims at the present time:
Big League Politics will continue to report on electoral mayhem as a flood of vote fraud claims quickly make their way through the courts.