Fake News Media
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Feb 13, 2020

‘Never Trump’ Rag National Review Endorses the Deep State Stoning of Roger Stone

By Shane Trejo

While conservatives throughout the country lament over the politically-motivated railroading of Trump confidant Roger Stone, the neocons at the National Review, who brazenly agitated on behalf of Hillary Clinton in 2016, are cheering on this case of prosecutorial misconduct.

Columnist Kevin Williamson, an Ilhan Omar defender who wrote “The Case Against Trump,” issued a smug and fact-free blurb about how Stone must be punished harshly to protect our democracy, or something. He argued that the nine years initially recommended by deep state prosecutors was perhaps too lenient.

“Roger Stone belongs in prison for a very long time. The seven felonies of which he stands convicted are at heart crimes of political corruption — lying to Congress and tampering with witnesses in order to impede a federal investigation into official wrongdoing. The charges together could have brought him 50 years in prison — and that would not have been unjust,” Williamson wrote.

“Crimes committed by politically powerful people in the service of politically powerful people corrupt our system of government and undermine faith in our institutions. They should be punished much more harshly than, say, selling a couple of grams of cocaine,” he added. “So, pray for Roger Stone. The Lord may have mercy on his soul, but his ass belongs in the federal penitentiary for a good long while.”

Columnist Andrew McCarthy also bashed President Trump for speaking out against Stone’s unfair sentence and intervening to stop the deep state’s abuse of power.

Although he admitted prosecutors overreached going after Stone, McCarthy argued that Trump’s response was worse.

“While the Justice Department was obviously aware of the president’s tweet, as well as press reporting about the harshness of the prosecutors’ sentencing recommendation, the DOJ and the White House have had no communications about the case, according to both the president and a spokeswoman for the attorney general,” McCarthy wrote.

“Nevertheless, the DOJ made it known that the sentencing memo would be rescinded and a new one filed. That announcement prompted the recusals of all four prosecutors, some of whom are quitting the DOJ entirely and some apparently just stepping aside from the Stone case,” he added.

McCarthy argued that Trump should have kept his mouth shut and not advocated publicly for Stone like he has done.

“If President Trump is afraid, in an election year, to take the political hit that a pardon for Stone would entail, that is understandable. But then he should bite his tongue and click out of Twitter. The Justice Department’s job is to process cases, including Mueller cases, pursuant to law,” McCarthy wrote.

It is no surprise as to why American conservatism conserved exactly nothing while the National Review was considered the most influential publication within the movement.