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Feb 19, 2019

NEW: Georgia Democrats Introduce Bill That Could Allow Illegals and Other Non-Citizens to Vote

By Peter D'Abrosca

After gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams’ bitter loss to Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia, six Democrats in the state legislature are sponsoring a bill that would allow non-citizens to vote.

“Each elector shall present proper identification to a poll worker at or prior to completion of a voter’s certificate at any polling place and prior to such person’s admission to the enclosed space at such polling place,” the bill says.

The bill then lists proper forms of identification. Most of them are fairly standard, including drivers licenses, valid U.S. passports, and military ID’s. But two of the valid forms of identification are troublesome, and could allow illegal aliens and other non-citizens to vote.

“A valid employee identification card containing a photograph of the elector and issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the United States government, this state, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other entity of this state,” is the fourth form of acceptable identification.

Georgia has the seventh-highest illegal alien population in America, with an estimated 400,000 illegal residents. An untold number of these people work for the federal or state government.

Likewise, student ID’s from Georgia universities would be considered a valid form of identification under the bill.

“A valid student identification card containing a photograph of the elector issued by a public or private college or university in this state” is the final form of valid identification listed in the bill.

Georgia State University and Augusta University – both public colleges – allow illegals to enroll. Other state universities in Georgia bar illegals from enrollment, a rule which Democrats are working to reverse. Private colleges can enroll whomever they want.

Not only could illegals possibly possess student ID’s, but so could international or exchange students, adding to the pool of potential non-citizens that this bill could enable to vote.

BLP reached out to State Representatives Roger Bruce and Donna McLeod, both of whom co-sponsored the bill, to address these questions. Neither immediately returned a comment request.

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