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Mar 20, 2020

New Jersey Attorney General Threatens Employers with Sanctions If They Allow Workers to Say ‘Chinese Virus’

By Shane Trejo

New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal issued a “guidance” on Thursday telling employers that they may be guilty of illegal discrimination if they allow workers to call the COVID-19 coronavirus “the Chinese virus.”

“Among the guidance’s keynotes are that employers may be in violation of the LAD’s prohibition on disability discrimination if they fire an employee for exhibiting possible COVID-19 symptoms,” Grewal explained in his press release.

He added: “The guidance also states that employers must take reasonable action to stop harassment of one employee by another employee if the employer knows or should have known about it: for example, if one employee has east-Asian heritage and a coworker repeatedly harasses her by claiming that Asian people caused COVID-19 or calling this ‘the Chinese virus.'”

Grewal claims that noting the virus originated from China is a violation of the New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD). During a time in which resources are being stretched in an unprecedented crisis, this is what Grewal is concerned about.

“COVID-19 is no excuse for racism, xenophobia, or hate,” Grewal said. “Discrimination and harassment in violation of New Jersey law remains illegal even if it occurs against the backdrop of a global pandemic. Now, more than ever, we should recognize that we’re all in this together. Words and actions that divide us won’t make any of us safer or stronger.”

He is urging citizens to snitch on their fellow man during the coronavirus crisis in case someone’s feelings get hurt.

Grewal is leading this campaign after President Trump has repeatedly called the COVID-19 coronavirus a “Chinese virus.” Democrats and other communist-sympathizing liberals are desperate to give China a pass for releasing a plague on the world that is destroying civilization, and Trump is counteracting that with his clever label.

Unsurprisingly, Grewal has turned New Jersey into a sanctuary state where illegal immigrants are given free reign to spread disease and commit unlawful acts.

“Under federal and state law, local law enforcement agencies are not required to enforce civil administrative warrants or detainers issued by federal immigration officers rather than federal or state judges,” Grewal wrote in a 2019 directive.

“Although state, county, and local law enforcement officers should assist federal immigration authorities when required to do so by law, they should also be mindful that providing assistance above and beyond those requirements threatens to blur the distinctions between state and federal actors and between federal immigration law and state criminal law,” he said.

Grewal is a textbook example of the type of governance that diversity and multiculturalism brings to America.