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Jun 14, 2021

New Populist Nonprofit Vows to Help Revive Spirit of 2016 and Put the American People Ahead of Globalist Interests

By Evan James

A new nonprofit organization has emerged to oppose the globalist-oriented aims of establishment conservatism and keep the spirit of 2016 alive.

The American Populist Union (APU) announced its launch in mid-May. Vince Dao, the organization’s chief spokesman and co-founder, hopes that the APU will help stir a greater sense of urgency among conservatives before they slide into political, cultural, and social irrelevance.

“Let me be frank: Conservatives don’t have much time left,” said Dao in the APU’s launch video. “As we speak, our civilization teeters on its very foundations, and the conservative movement does not have time for unserious people or unserious ideas.”

Establishment conservatism has not only failed to protect America’s culture and values over the past few decades, it has sold out to the interests of its wealthy donors and mega corporations, added APU contributors Nathaniel Abbott and Red Eagle Politics. Although the rise and election of Donald Trump in 2016 should have served as a wake-up call, Conservatism Inc. has retreated back to its old, failed ways while deceptively keeping the outward trappings of populism.

“Here at the American Populist Union, we understand that 2016 was much more than an election year,” said Dao. “It was the birth of a political movement—the only movement seen in our country for decades that was actually serious about saving our civilization from its own destruction.”

“That movement lives to this day, but in order for [it] to be successful in the long term, we cannot let its message be co-opted or changed by neoconservatives, donors, or the political establishment. The original true spirit of 2016 must be conserved,” he added.

Watch the APU’s launch video below, and be sure to check them out on their website, Twitter, and YouTube channel.