The World
| On
Nov 29, 2021

New Zealand: PM Condescendingly Grants Permission To ‘Use The Bathroom’ When Visiting Family And Friends

By Darian Douraghy

“You can now see family and friends again in their homes — and use the bathroom inside. Luxury!” declared New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

Auckland remains in a lockdown that has spanned over 100 days and counting, with no signs of slowdown from the draconian government.

It was just last month when Arden bragged about helping create a two-tiered society in New Zealand that seeks to punish and disrupt the lives of Aucklanders who make the personal decision to not take the experimental Covid-19 inoculation. A reporter had asked Arden if she’s trying to create a society of “two different classes” of people, where “you have all these rights if you’re vaccinated.”

“That is what it is, yep,” Ardern replied with both nod and a huge grin.

The Prime Minister then went on to defend her segregated society, calling compulsory shots and the system designed to verify and track them in almost every facet of daily human life a “tool for confidence.”

“It’s actually become quite clear to me that they’re not just a tool to drive up vaccines, they’re a tool for confidence,” she said.

“People who have been vaccinated will want to know that they’re around other vaccinated people. They’ll want to know that they’re in a safe environment. It is a way that we can give them the confidence to those who are going back into hospitality or events.”

“And so, that is something that I think we should offer to people who have been vaccinated,” she said. “That confidence that we’re doing everything we can to keep them safe, and that they can come back out and start enjoying those things safely.”

Ardern did not address the obvious question this brings up – if your jab works, why do you care whether others have it or not?

In spite of the numerous and continually escalating heavy-handed and arguably human-right violating restrictions that New Zealand continues to brutalize its citizens with, the country reported some of its highest daily recorded Covid-19 cases ever just over a month ago.

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