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Dec 7, 2021

NYC Mayor Announces Forced COVID Shots For Private Sector And Vaxx Passports For 5-Year-Olds

By Darian Douraghy

Outgoing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced major expansions to his already draconian society Monday, announcing a first-in-nation Covid-19 shot mandate for all private sectors and customers in nearly every facet of consumer business, including indoor dining, fitness, entertainment, and performance venues.

Starting December 14th, de Blasio plans to force children aged 5-11 to show proof of Covid-19 shots in order to access businesses. The same mandate will also apply to any child who hopes to participate in “high-risk” extracurricular activities. Examples of electives that fall under this criteria include sports, band, orchestra, and dance.

The mayor also announced a shot mandate for private-sector workers that will take effect on December 27th and will apply to roughly 184,000 businesses.

There is a chance that de Blasio’s arguably unconstitutional forced Covid-19 shot policy will be challenged in court, as a federal judge earlier this week issued a temporary block on a similar mandate thrown at healthcare workers by the Biden Administration.

Elected government officials and bureaucrats have expressed massive enthusiasm for the draconian and segregationist policies, seemingly suggesting without any evidence they will move us towards eradicating the virus completely.

“New York City will not give a single inch in the fight against Covid-19. Vaccination is the way out of this pandemic, and these are bold, first-in-the-nation measures to encourage New Yorkers to keep themselves and their communities safe,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “From workplace mandates, to $100 incentives, to mobile and at-home vaccination offerings, no place in the nation has done more to end the Covid era. And if you have not taken this step yet: there’s no better day than today to stand up for your city.”

“There’s no higher priority than keeping New Yorkers healthy and ending this pandemic once and for all. The most important step we can all take is to take the free, safe, and effective Covid-19 vaccine,” said Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services Melanie Hartzog. “With these bold new measures, New York City will continue to lead the way in moving past this virus and building a recovery for all of us.”

This increased clamp-down on Covid-19 measures comes amidst a time where 89% of New York City adults have received at least one shot.

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