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Feb 23, 2024

NYC Mayor Promises to Slash Funding to Migrants As His Approval Rating Plummets

By Jose Nino

On February 21, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams promised to slash funding to border crossers and illegal aliens. This move came at a time when he is facing record-low approval ratings among New York residents. 

Back in November 2023, Adams gave the green light to city-wide budget cuts where public services that New York residents traditionally enjoyed would be scrapped in order to accommodate these migrants. 

According to a report by John Binder of Breitbart News, less than 30% of New York residents said they approve of Adams’ leadership of NYC. 

On February 21, Adams announced that he is canceling the budget cut proposals. Moreover, Adams plans on reducing taxpayer funding that usually goes to border crossers recently making their way into the US and illegal aliens. Specifically, Adams announced that his office would slash an additional 10% in services funded by the city for border crossers and illegal aliens and stop plans to carry out billions in more budget cuts that impact New York voters’ everyday lives. 

Adams is clearly working to serve the interests of foreigners as opposed to those of Big Apple residents. This was most evident with his prepaid debit card plan that would be extended to border crossers, This program could cost taxpayers $53 million. 

Adams announced that the prepaid debit cards will go through an expansion should the program be categorized as “successful” byu city leaders. 

“I know on the first brush you look at it and say, ‘Wait a minute, what are you doing, you’re giving people cards?’” Adams stated. “This was a small policy shift that we’re doing on a pilot project with 500 people. If this is successful, we’re going to expand it even more.”

The US’s mass migration experiment is finally beginning to rear its ugly head. Even the most pro-mass migration jurisdictions in the US have become overwhelmed by the Biden regime’s open borders agenda. 

The harsh reality is that immigration restriction remains a popular issue among the public. However, elites continue to overwhelmingly support it. 

In order to bring some semblance of sanity to immigration policy, the US will need a veritable regime change to occur in DC. The current ruling class simply wants to destroy the US through mass migration. 

For that reason, this class of parasites must be relieved of the burden of holding higher office.