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Jul 2, 2021

Ohio Judge Orders Mandatory COVID-19 Jab for Defendants as Condition for Probation

By Shane Trejo

A Franklin County, Ohio judge is mandating the COVID-19 vaccination for certain defendants, claiming he “just want(s) them to be safe in the community” to justify this Mengelean abuse of authority.

Common Pleas Judge Richard Frye reportedly required the COVID jab in three out of the 20 defendants he heard during the week of June 25, according to the Ohio Capital Journal.

“I think it’s a reasonable condition when we’re telling people to get employed and be out in the community,” Judge Frye said, adding that he didn’t want to “speculate” about religious or medical concerns of his mandate.

Mary Holland, president and general counsel at Children’s Health Defense, is incredibly disgusted by this news and believes it is another step toward full-blown mandatory vaccination tyranny.

“I would argue that that’s illegal,” Holland said to LifeSiteNews.

“The shots at this point are Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] only,” she continued. “They’re experimental. Federal law requires that people have the right to refuse an experimental medical product and that includes people on probation, people in incarcerated settings, people in mental health settings, it means everybody.”

“Coming out of World War II, the U.S. instigated the Nuremberg Code, and the first principle is: The consent of the individual is ‘absolutely essential,’” Holland added.

The Nuremberg Code states the following: 

“The voluntary consent of the human subject [of a medical experiment] is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

Holland believes it is clear that Judge Frye is violating this code blatantly by forcing defendants to submit to experimental and dangerous shots in order to avoid serving jail time.

“People can’t be forced to participate in a medical experiment,” Holland said, “and because [COVID-19 vaccines] are not yet licensed – they only may be safe and effective – they are experimental. The clinical trials don’t end for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines until 2022 and 2023. They are experimental. So they cannot be mandated.” 

“I hope that there’s a criminal defense lawyer in Ohio who’s going to take that on,” Holland added.

Unfortunately for the proponents of the right to resist, the courts are incredibly corrupt and set up to protect corporate profits above all else. It is looking that nothing short of a total revolt by the American public can reverse the scientific tyranny facing the former great nation.