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Jan 16, 2021

OLIGARCHY: Bill Gates Becomes Single Largest Owner of Farmland in the US

By Richard Moorhead

Globalist oligarch Bill Gates has become the single largest owner of farmland in the United States, according to research from The Land Report. Gates utilized the economic strife of 2020 to secure the top spot, surpassing the longtime Offutt ranching family.

Gates has plowed millions of dollars into acquiring farmland in Oregon and Washington, and throughout the western United States. The Microsoft CEO has a net worth of over $100 billion.

Land Report assessment of county records indicate that Gates has buffed his land holdings in states such as Arizona, Nebraska and Louisiana.

Gates may use his extensive holdings of farmland to weaken cattle ranching and animal husbandry. Gates has spoken openly of his desire to remove meat as a staple food from the American and western diet, opting to reserve meat as an expensive luxury for his fellow elites. The Microsoft founder has advocated for lab-grown meat replacements to be substituted for cattle products in the world diet. Other in Gates’ elite circles have gone so far as to demand that an insect-based diet be imposed upon the public as a replacement for meat.

Gates’ end game to his farmland ownership may very well be to simply block the lands from being used for cattle ranching and meat production. Such an embargo would naturally raise the price of meat production and ranching in the United States, forcing ranchers out of business, and forcing consumers to consider his meat replacements or import their steaks from abroad.

While oligarchs such as Gates are eager to lecture the ‘average’ American for their supposedly environmentally unsustainable lifestyle and diet, the western elite that includes himself have among the highest carbon emissions per capita, ignoring environmental concerns as they travel to the Davos globalist conference in private aircraft.

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