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Oct 9, 2019

Parents Are Rejecting Public School In Favor Of Homeschooling in Virginia

By Jose Nino

According to NBC29, Virginia’s state Department of Education reports that homeschooling is growing in the state. The number of homeschooling students grew by 20 percent in Virginia during the last five years.

In Charlottesville, the number of students being homeschooled doubled during that time frame.

Homeschooling parents claim that social media has facilitated teaching children at home. Additionally, social media has helped organizations such as the Community Homeschool Enrichment Center (CHEC) grow their ranks.

“The more people who start homeschooling, the more other activities that create, the more classes in the community, the more social opportunities, so it kind of snowballs,” said Teela James of the CHEC.

Of students enrolled in Virginia, 3 percent are homeschooled.

For many conservatives, homeschooling is a viable alternative to the left-dominated education system. As public schools at all levels of education become more politicized, many parents will likely opt for more non-conventional methods of schooling such as home-schooling