| On
May 30, 2018

Petition to Free Tommy Robinson Reaches 500k Goal

By Luke Rohlfing

A petition to urge British Prime Minister Theresa May to release political prisoner Tommy Robinson has reached its goal of 500,000 signatures.

They are still collecting signatures, and you can sign it here.

Robinson, who is most known for founding the English Defense League, was arrested and quickly sentenced to 13 months in prison after attempting to report outside of a courthouse where members of a Muslim grooming gang were on trial. Grooming gangs are an open secret throughout Britain, and are nothing more than child sex trafficking rings.

He was initially arrested for “suspicion of breaching the peace,” but jailed for the completely separate crime of contempt of court.

In Britain, unlike the United States, people can be arrested and held for 48 for suspicion of committing a crime. Oftentimes a person arrested under this practice is jailed for completely separate crimes than the arrest reason.

Following the arrest, there was a temporary reporting ban on the case for British news agencies, and many were forced to remove articles about his arrest. Because of this, more underground movements were crafted to fight back.

One of those mediums was a petition on the website The petition is designed to put pressure on the British government to free Robinson.

On top of that, there have been a number of public demonstrations in the streets of Britain demanding his release, as well as in the streets of countries across the world.

The media elites are going to do everything in their power to keep Tommy locked up. But the citizens of Britain seem to not be rising up.