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Sep 9, 2022

POLL: 62% of Americans Believe Joe Biden Consulted and Likely Profited from Family Ventures

By Jose Nino

62% of registered voters believe President Joe Biden consulted and even likely reaped significant profits from family business deals per findings from a Rasmussen poll that was published on September 6.

Only 33% of the poll respondents said that they don’t believe Biden was likely consulted about his family’s business affairs companies connected to the Chinese Communist Party

Wendell Husebø of Breitbart News noted that polling conducted back in April revealed that 58% of voters believed Joe Biden was playing an active role in his family’s business affairs. 60% even said that Hunter Biden has sold “influence and access” to the president.

85% of Republicans, 46% of Democrats, and 61% of independent voters believe that the story concerning Hunter Biden’s laptop is at least somewhat important. 82% of Republicans, 42% of Democrats, and 62% of independent voters believe that is at least somewhat likely that Joe Biden was informed about and likely made money off of Hunter’s foreign business deals.

67% of voters making between $50,000 and $100,000 believe the Hunter Biden laptop story is at least somewhat important. Only 42% of individuals making $200,000 annually would agree with this sentiment.

53% of private sector workers believe it’s unlikely Biden would have been installed in office in 2022 if the media covered the laptop story prior to the election. By contrast, only 46% of government employees share this view.

Overall, the Biden regime’s legitimacy is dwindling after each passing day. Republicans look poised to make some gains in Congress and likely take back the White House in 2024. Hopefully, Republicans of the nationalist variety end up doing so.

Getting rid of Biden is great, but having members of the GOP swamp take his place is merely rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.