Two Americas
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Jan 21, 2019

Poll: Texas Voters Support Protecting Historical Monuments, Despite Removal of Confederate Plaque

By Peter D'Abrosca

Despite the fact that Republican leaders in the state rolled over to the political left and voted to remove the Children of the Confederacy plaque from the Texas State House, polling shows that Texan voters overwhelmingly support historical monuments in the state.

“Texans back monument protection by 64-26, with support from 60% of Hispanics and 35% of African-Americans,” said a memo by the Courageous Conservatives PAC.

According to the poll, 11 percent of black voters and 14 percent of Hispanic voters were undecided. A full two-thirds of Spanish-speaking Texan voters support preserving the monuments.

The poll comes in the wake of a unanimous vote by spineless GOP leaders in Texas to remove the confederate plaque. Unsurprisingly, the GOP establishment in Texas is out-of-touch with voters.

“The board’s governing members, which include Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Speaker Dennis Bonnen, voted on Friday to take the plaque down,” according to The Dallas Morning News.

All three Republican leaders constructed a scenario that allowed the plaque to be removed using a questionable interpretation of law by Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton in which he deemed the decision to be within the purview of the State Preservation Board.

But not all Republican lawmakers in Texas are so weak-kneed.

Rep. James White, R-Hillister, a black man, is fighting along with colleagues “to mandate that the location of relocated monuments must be approved by the Legislature, the Texas Historical Commission or the State Preservation Board.” They want to make sure that any historical monuments that are moved end up in places of prominence, so that history is not simply erased on a whim. White put forth a bill called the “Texas Hero Protection Act.”

White reportedly said that the bill “would protect a monument or picture of Jefferson Davis just as much as it would protect a monument or a picture of the Buffalo Soldiers.”

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