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Oct 16, 2020

President Trump Promises to Protect Healthcare from Illegal Immigration

By Jose Nino

Before an audience in Des Moines, Iowa on October 14, 2020, President Donald Trump highlighted his support for curbing illegal immigration.

In this speech, Trump made it a point to link illegal immigration with increased spending on healthcare at the federal and state level.

“[Joe] Biden’s agenda would be a catastrophe for Iowa seniors,” Trump stated in his speech.

Trump added:

Biden is pledging mass amnesty and federal health care for illegal aliens, decimating Medicare and destroying your Social Security.

We all have a heart. I said all the time, I’d love to take care of everybody all over the world. The problem is our country can’t afford it.

If you started saying, ‘We’re going to give free education, we’re going to give you Medicare, we’re going to give you health care, we’re going to give you everything,’ our country will be flooded with millions and millions of people that are going to come from all over the world. They will decimate our country,. You can’t do it.

Biden cares more about illegal aliens than he does your senior citizens. It’s true.

In these trying times, Trump has to use his national populist appeal in order to win votes, especially among older voters. Trump has lost his edge with that demographic cohort according to an Axios report that was released in October 6:

Former Vice President Joe Biden has gained a more than 20 point lead over President Trump among voters ages 65 and older, two separate polls — one from CNN and one from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal — found.

Illegal aliens are known to be major beneficiaries of welfare largesse. According to a 2016 study by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, mass migration runs state and local governments about $60 billion annually. Additionally, if the current crop of uninsured illegal aliens is allowed to enroll in the Obamacare program, the federal government could potentially be spending $10 billion annually, an estimate that the Center for Immigration Studies put forward back in 2019.

Bringing in more migrants would have healthcare and infrastructure costs balloon to rates that could strain America’s already delicate social services programs.

Neil Munro of Breitbart compared and contrasted Biden and Trump’s immigration platforms to detail the contrasts between the two canddiates respect visions for migration policy:

Trump’s 2020 plan offers broadly popular restrictions on immigration and visa workers.

But Biden’s 2020 plan promises to let companies import more college-trained visa workers, to let mayors import visa workers, to accelerate the multi-million inflow of chain-migration migrants, to end migration enforcement against illegal aliens unless they commit a felony, and to dramatically accelerate the inflow of poor refugees to at least 125,000 per year.

In short, Donald Trump is the America First candidate who stands up for American workers and socio-economic cohesion. In contrast, Biden is the globalist candidate that wants to break down American institutions for the benefit of Big Business and other interests who view the nation state as an antiquated construct.

In 2020, the choice is clear for anyone who believes in institutional stability and prosperity for the American people and their posterity.