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Jan 12, 2024

Pro-Amnesty Organization Returns to Texas Politics and Endorses Milquetoast Republicans

By Jose Nino

According to a report by Texas Scorecard, the LIBRE Initiative is back in the political arena in Texas,

The LIBRE Initiative is accompanied by its partner organization Americans for Prosperity in an effort to endorse pro-amnesty politicians. LIBRE is part of the Koch network and is a vehicle for the advocacy of mass amnesty programs. 

Curiously, LIBRE positions itself as a quasi-libertarian organization that directly targets the Hispanic community. According to its issues page, LIBRE endorses the following positions: 

Creating a permanent solution for Dreamers: People deserve certainty and the ability to plan their lives. Yet Congress has taken more than 20 years to address this ongoing issue with a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers and those with Temporary Protective Status (TPS). We need a law that provides such certainty, including permanent status for Dreamers and TPS recipients, many of whom have lived in the U.S. for over two decades and have been contributors to our communities, and our nation’s fabric.


Addressing the undocumented population: Today’s immigration system keeps too many decent, industrious people from fully participating in the American experience. For those who want nothing more than to build a better future and contribute to our society, a permanent legislative solution is needed. We support a system that recognizes contributing members among the undocumented population, affording individuals an opportunity to come out of the shadows and get right with the law. 

Three Republicans have received endorsements from LIBRE. On January 11, 2024, State Representative Mano DeAyala boasted about receiving an endorsement from LIBRE and felt honored being supported by a group that is “dedicated to empowering the Hispanic community and advancing freedom-minded policies.“

On top of that, LIBRE endorsed State Representatives John Lujan and Janie Lopez. 

Curiously, during the 2022 election cycle, several Republican candidates such as State Senators Mayes Middleton, Pete Florers, and Tan Parker rejected LIBRE’s endorsement. 

LIBRE is the epitome of a make-work, affirmative action organization that advances the interests of the ruling class, at the expense of legacy Americans aka white European Americans. 

Such organizations should not be supported. They’re part of a previous generation of Republican-style politics that has to go if the party wants to remain politically relevant in the long-term. 

Should a politician receive an endorsement from the likes of LIBRE, it’s largely because they’re about to become an amnesty sell-out.