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Apr 29, 2019

PROFESSOR: Obamas Are ‘White Kneegrows,’ ‘Whiteness is Terrorism’

By Peter D'Abrosca

A Trinity College professor who was previously disciplined for vile race-hatred has sparked outrage again with his latest social media quips.

“‘White’ kneegrows really need a lot of therapy and a good ‘ol ass kicking,'” Johnny Eric Williams said on his Facebook page on April 9.

He was subsequently asked if he was referring to black right-wing commentator Candace Owens. Instead, he claimed he was referring to former President Barack H. Obama and his wife Michelle.

“I’m referring to her other and less brazen but more insidious dangerous “white” kneegrows like Barry and Michelle Obama and many other white kneegrows you encounter daily,” he said.

On Easter Sunday, Williams went on another racist tirade on social media.

“All self-identified white people (no exceptions) are invested in and collude with systemic white racism/white supremacy,” he said on Twitter.

In an act of cowardice and unwillingness to defend his own ideas, Williams made his Twitter account private after backlash.

He also said “Whiteness is terrorism” as part of the same Twitter rant.

Williams took a mutually-agreed-upon leave of absence from Trinity College two years ago after making other racially divisive comments, including a Facebook post that said “Let Them F****** Die,” in reference to white people.

“College President Joanne Berger-Sweeney said the college lost $200,000 in donations as a result and students had withdrawn from matriculating,” the report said.

She agreed with his right to freedom of expression, but attempted to mitigate potential damage from Williams’ comments.

“Academic freedom is not absolute, however,” Berger-Sweeney said at the time. “The events of recent weeks have compelled us to ask important questions about the limits of such freedom and the responsibilities of faculty members, who hold special positions in our academic communities.”

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