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Dec 6, 2021

Rep. Thomas Massie’s Pro-2A Family Christmas Picture Triggers Deranged Liberals on Social Media

By Shane Trejo

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) posted a family Christmas picture that may break the internet due to immense rage it has inspired from triggered far-left crybabies.

Massie posted a family Christmas picture of everyone, including children, holding unloaded weapons in order to celebrate the 2nd Amendment. 

Despite the impeccable trigger discipline shown by every Massie family member in the photo, liberals went apoplectic over the photo anyway. Many claimed due to their own lack of emotional maturity that Massie’s polite, well-mannered family emboldened or celebrated mass shooters:

Some higher-profile leftist morons seized on the picture to criticize Massie and the Republican Party as well:

Despite the whining, Massie is not going to budge on his principled defense of the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. He will call out anyone, Republican or Democrat, who attempts to infringe on sacred individual gun rights.

Big League Politics reported on how Massie even called out President Donald Trump for his positions in favor of gun control:

On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump stated that he supports, and will be strongly pushing gun control legislation, including expanding background checks, raising the age to purchase rifles to 21, and to end the sale of bump stocks. He stated that he hopes Congress finally does something about this issue…

In response, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) fired back, specifically on the statement about raising the minimum age to purchase rifles. Not only did Massie state his opposition to that matter, but he stated his intention to go further and lower the age to purchase handguns to 18.

Congressman Thomas Massie has been a fierce defender of the Second Amendment in Congress, founding the Second Amendment Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives. In response to the shooting in Florida, Rep. Massie filed a bill to remove gun free school zones, which is a measure I advocated for right after the shooting.”

Massie is a hero for refusing to buckle on the 2nd Amendment and being proud of his patriotic family who understands what their rights are all about. The Left is only making themselves look unhinged in their ridiculous overreaction to his wholesome family photo.