National Security
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Mar 18, 2020

Report: Jared Kushner Pushes for More Chinese Nationals…In Coronavirus Protection Bill!

By Shane Trejo

President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is reportedly pushing for more EB-5 visas to bring in wealthy Chinese nationals into the United States who can spread disease and wield their power throughout American society.

Conservative firebrand Daniel Horowitz made the announcement in a Twitter post on Tuesday that Kushner attempted to sneak an increase of EB-5 visas into legislation meant to address the Chinese coronavirus:

In 2017, the Kushner clan was caught selling these types of visas to rich Chinese individuals at $500,000 a pop.

Kushner’s family business hosted an event in Beijing urging Chinese nationals to pay up quickly so they could avoid President Trump’s crackdown, as the administration’s own policies were undermined for Kushner family profit.

“Invest early and you will invest under the old rules,” one speaker at the conference said.

A brochure at the event read: “Invest $500,000 and immigrate to the United States.”

“This project has stable funding, creates sufficient jobs and guarantees the safety of investors’ money,” a description of the Kushner-led scam read.

Although Trump was not mentioned by name, the Kushners banked on their family’s new-found “celebrity” status in order to draw rich Chinese nationals into their scheme.

“Even though this is the project of the son-in-law’s family, of course it is still affiliated,” said Wang Yun, a Chinese national who attended the 2017 conference.

Big League Politics has reported on Kushner’s devious undermining of President Trump’s “America First” immigration mandate:

President Trump’s son-in-law and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner is aggressively rehabbing his proposal to flood the United States with third-world immigrants in order to boost corporate profits.

Reports indicate that Kushner is proposing a policy that would give “merit-based” visas to third-world immigrants to fill jobs that would otherwise go to American citizens. This will not only crowd Americans out of the job market, but also lower the wages of Americans who are currently employed. He also wants to create a new immigration czar, another federal bureaucrat to add to the Washington D.C. swamp.

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is highly critical of Kushner’s plan that they believe will lead to more foreigners getting green cards, and continue significantly to the demographic winter that the U.S. is staring down.

“What they do is they take Tom Cotton’s RAISE Act, which created a merit system which the president liked, and they basically puff it out to cover more people, more types of applicant types and a huge increase in numbers,” said Jessica Vaughn, who works as director of policy studies for CIS.

Kushner’s plan is to create a new “Build America Visa” that would apply to supposedly “extraordinarily talented individuals,” but that criteria is extremely subjective. Corporatist groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce want the Trump administration to open the flood gates for mass immigration because it will be good for their bottom line.

Kushner is arguably the most dangerous left-wing subversive in the entire Trump administration.