DC Whispers
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Apr 27, 2017

Roger Stone: Trump Is One Of The Last Trumpites In The White House

By Patrick Howley

President Donald Trump outside adviser Roger Stone is concerned about factions within the White House, but he’s not concerned for the president.

“I think that Jared and Ivanka, moving among the beautiful people as they do, would like Donald to be more of a conventional .president,” Stone told Big League Politics. “The fact that virtually everyone in the White House pushed to put 150,000 men on the ground in Iraq? That’s concerning.. I don’t think what Jared does is malicious. I think he really thinks he’s helping.”

“But among our people, Goldman Sachs is dirty words. It symbolizes everything that’s wrong with the country. It’s very hard to understand how people like Gary Cohn and Dina Powell got hired in the first place. We both know they didn’t vote for Trump.”

“What are they trying to do? Paul Ryan is never going to like him.”

Asked about Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s inevitability as a White House adviser, Stone said, “Donald Trump is a man who once fired his own brother.”

Stone was a major conservative figure before Trump’s unexpected run for president in 2015. It just so happened that he was also Trump’s longest-time political adviser. Roger Stone was a key part of a winning presidential campaign. But he does not want to work in the White House.

“The nature of me, I could never get confirmed for any office. I don’t want to be on the inside. I like being on the outside throwing bombs.”

Stone said that he is not concerned for the president because “There’s a real Trumpite in the White House, and his name happens to be Trump. Everybody in the White House told him to go into Syria. McMaster and Mattis put on the full court press. Well, guess what? Trump said he’s not going into Syria. So that’s that.”

“Trump is the only real Trumpite in the White House. Him and Steve Bannon. If Steve is forced out, there’s nobody with a frame of reference for who elected this guy.”

“General McMaster is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He’s a traditional thinking neocon. He wanted 150,000 ground troops,” Stone said. “They just like war. They’ve been for regime change everywhere. Libya. How did that work out? It’s the same thing.”

Stone said that President Trump is doing an above-average job at sticking to his campaign promises.

“The only shame comes when you don’t try,” he said. “The travel ban, they tried it twice and it didn’t work. So what? They’ll try it again. The base doesn’t hold you responsible if you lose. They hold you responsible if you don’t fight.”

Stone is also confident that Trump will make the right decisions on the North Korea problem.

“I think they’re going to give Trump a provocation to attack. Trump is not a guy who is going to brook any nonsense. Challenging him will be a mistake. How technologically proficient are they at this point? If you’ve ever seen a picture of the dictator of North Korea with his generals, they always have the worst tailoring in the world.”

View Comments

  • I'm glad someone's finally speaking out about Jared and Ivanka. They both need to be sent packing to NY, the Hillary advisers they brought in fired, and good people brought back in. Otherwise, Trump won't get a second term.

    • Trump needs to get control of his weakness for his daughter. Ever since Ivanka moved in, policy seems to center around her prerogatives instead of the nation's; it almost feels like Trump is setting her up to run as a Democrat in 2024.

      The problem with leftism is that if you give it a foothold, it perniciously spreads like a virus. It seems like the foot in the door that was Princess Ivanka and a few advisors is rapidly spreading throughout the administration.

  • President Trump will get a second term. There is no alternative.

    I don't know of any human being that could stand up to all the abuse President Trump has put up with and still hold the course. He has done an amazing job. Part of what he is doing is showing us exactly who we are up against. He gives the opposition plenty of rope and they hang themselves.

    If Ivanka cannot see who she has given her allegiance to, then her father will offer her the opportunity to resign or be fired.

    It is not a weakness to love your children and hope they can learn to see what you see if you can give them time. If they can't, it is right to cut them loose to pursue their own beliefs and to learn at their own speed. You can love them and help them pick up the pieces later when their life falls apart.

    Jared's family proves themselves over and over as not being up to Trump's standards. If Trump came between Jared and Ivanka, she would always blame her father for her husband's failures. As Jared allows his family to go to China to sell US Citizenship, tells Trudeau to talk sense into Ivanka's father about NAFTA, and betrays her father in a hundred different ways, she will have to realize that Jared cares nothing about her father and would destroy him completely if Jared could gain money or power from doing that.

    I hope that there is enough of President Trump's training in Ivanka that she will not be able to lower herself to Jared's standards. However, Jared has her children and she may give up any standards she has to keep her children. Then she will eventually lose her children and herself in that process.

    It is her choice and her God given right to make that choice.