Democrat Delegate Kathy Tran, who submitted the horrifying legislation that would have allowed babies to be murdered even after birth, also filed legislation to ensure the sanctity of life for “fall cankerworms.”
Tran filed “H.B. 2495 Fall cankerworm; spraying prohibited during certain months,” a bill that would protect the lives of caterpillars and other insects during certain months, on the same day she filed “H.B. 2491 Abortion; eliminate certain requirements,” the defeated legislation that would have made it legal for a new mother to give birth, then determine that she does not want the child and have it killed.
H.B. 2495 would protect the lives of gypsy moths, cankerworms, and other insects that may carry diseases harmful to humans, by preventing pest control spraying for them between the months of March and August.
Tran received nationwide backlash for her abortion legislation this week, and it was only escalated when Virginia Governor Ralph Northam endorsed the legislation, and described the bill further. Northam, who received nearly $2 million from Planned Parenthood, suggested that a mother could give birth then determine she does not want to keep the child.
In such a scenario, the baby would be delivered, then be “kept comfortable” while the mother and her doctor determined whether to murder the infant.
Taking it a step further, according to LifeNews viral video, Rep. Tran states that her proposed bill would allow legal abortion even if the mother is in labor.
Delegate Todd Gilbert asks, “where it’s obvious a woman is about to give birth, that she has physical signs that she is about to give birth. Would that be a point at which she could still request an abortion if she was so certified? She’s dilating.”
Rep. Tran – the mother of four children- responds, “My bill would allow that, yes.”
After an outpouring of condemnations from the rest of the country, Virginia legislators made it clear that the bill would never go to a vote, or even leave its subcommittee.