White House
| On
Mar 5, 2019

Sarah Sanders Releases Statement on Democrat ‘Fishing Expedition’

By Peter D'Abrosca

White House Press Secretary Sarah H. Sanders blasted House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a press release Tuesday after the Chairman announced a Stalin-esque investigation into President Donald J. Trump’s personal life.

“Today, Chairman Nadler opened up a disgraceful and abusive investigation into tired, false allegations already investigated by the Special Counsel and committees in both Chambers of Congress,” Sanders said. “Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of ‘Russian collusion’ is crumbling. Their intimidation and abuse of American citizens is shameful. Democrats are harassing the President to distract from their radical agenda of making America a socialist country, killing babies after they’re born, and pushing a ‘green new deal that would destroy jobs and bankrupt America. The American people deserve a Congress that works with the President to address serious issues like immigration, healthcare, and infrastructure. The Democrats are more interested in pathetic political games and catering to a radical, leftist base than on producing results for our citizens. The Democrats are not after the truth, they are after the President.”

The last sentence is really the key. The American justice system is supposed to investigate crimes, not people. The Mueller investigation, established to investigate Russian “collusion” found nothing. What possible reason could there be to continue investigating Trump? There is, in fact, less probable cause to investigate him now, than there was when the Special Counsel’s investigation began, and that threshold of probable cause was not exactly high to begin with.

Americans who do not want to live in a police state with an overbearing system of justice should oppose the Democrats’ tyranny in continuously investigating Trump.

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