As previously reported here at Big League Politics, U.S. Senate candidate Nick Freitas has a long record of opposing President Trump, and his major campaign priorities. Now it turns out that Democrats are willing to vote to support Freitas for the simple reason that his main opponent, Corey Stewart, is a strong supporter of President Trump’s agenda.
Screenshots from a private Facebook group of Freitas supporters show his supporters actively encouraging other supporters to get their Democrat friends to the polls to support Freitas.
It appears that some Democrats had this in mind all along.
This is not a new strategy. During the 2016 presidential primaries, there were calls for Democrats to vote against Trump in primary elections. There were even some calls for Democrats to vote for him, as they thought he could never win. But in the end, he was of course victorious.
Both of Freitas’ Republican Primary opponents are firm supporters of President Trump. But Freitas has wavered on his support, posting vehemently anti-Trump statements in 2016. He also made waves after hiring a fervent anti-Trumper as his spokesman. His spokesman, Laura Meyers, encouraged people to vote against Trump in 2016, and continued to spread anti-Trump messaging well into his first year in office.
The Virginia Primary is today, and polls close at 7PM EST. It seems as though the voters will decide between supporting President Trump’s agenda by electing Corey Stewart, or for opposing President Trump’s agenda by electing Nick Freitas.