Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) blasted National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Dr. Anthony Fauci at a Senate hearing on Tuesday for funding controversial and dangerous research at a virology lab in Wuhan, China.
Fauci continues to defend the controversial research, which involves strengthening viruses in mad science experiments, even after the COVID-19 pandemic has rocked the world.
“Gain-of-function research, as you know, is juicing up naturally-occurring animal viruses to infect humans. To arrive at the truth, the U.S. government should admit that the Wuhan virology institute was experimenting to enhance the coronavirus’ ability to infect humans,” Paul said.
Predictably, Fauci does not want the feds to engage in such transparency. He wants to keep pushing lies so his Big Pharma-approved bureaucrats can skirt culpability.
“You are entirely and completely incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan institute,” he said.
Paul correctly noted that the NIH was funding gain-of-function research through a partnership with the Wuhan virology institute and a North Carolina facility. Fauci also attempted to deny that the feds were funding research at the Wuhan institute, and Paul would not take Fauci’s fibbing lying down.
“Do you support sending money? We did, under your tutelage, we were sending it through ECO Health. It was a sub-agency and a sub-grant,” he said.
“It would have been irresponsible for us if we did not investigate the bat viruses and the serology to see who might have been infected in China,” Fauci responded.
This is when the exchange became combative, and Fauci tried talking over Paul in his great frustration over being exposed on a national stage.
“Government defenders of gain of function, such as yourself, say that COVID-19 mutations were random and not designed by man. But interestingly, the technique that [Dr. Ralph Baric] developed forces mutations by serial passage through cell culture that the mutations appear to be natural,” Paul explained, adding many other expert sources who have stated that COVID-19 was likely created in a lab.
“Will you in front of this group categorically say that COVID-19 could not have occurred through serial passage in a laboratory?” Paul asked Fauci.
“I do not have any accounting for what the Chinese may have done, and I am fully in favor of any further investigation of what went on in China,” Fauci responded before once again denying that the feds have funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
“You’re fooling with mother nature here. You’re allowing superviruses to be created. With a 15 percent mortality, it’s very dangerous, and it was a huge mistake to share this with China, and it’s a huge mistake to allow this to continue in the United States, and we should be very careful to investigate where this virus came from,” Paul said.
The exchange can be seen here:
Paul is one of the few politicians with the courage to call out the spin of Dr. Fauci, who has been anointed as a COVID-19 soothsayer by the media for his constant fear pronouncements.