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Mar 18, 2019

Senator Roy Blunt Banned From Missouri GOP Dinner After Backstabbing Trump With Anti-Wall Vote

By Tom Pappert

Missouri Senator Roy Blunt was uninvited from a Missouri GOP gathering after he voted with Democrats against President Donald J. Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the United States-Mexico border.

The Kansas City Star reports that Wanda Martens, a member of Missouri’s Christian County Republican Central Committee, made clear in an email leaked to the Star that Blunt is not welcome at the local party’s annual Lincoln/Trump Day Dinner on April 6 after he sided with Democrats in an attempt to stop President Trump’s national emergency declaration.

The Kansas City Star reports:

“I am so disappointed in you now that I can hardly speak,” wrote Wanda Martens, a member of the Christian County Republican Central Committee, in an email to Blunt’s office. “Why could you not support my president in the emergency declaration? President Trump tried every available means to work the Senate to resolve the border issue and build the much needed wall. He is well within his presidential powers to do this.

Martens serves as the local party committee’s events chair. She told the senator in her email, which was obtained by The Kansas City Star, that she did not want to see him when the local party holds its Lincoln/Trump Day Dinner on April 6 in Ozark, Missouri, one of the most conservative areas in the state.

Many states hold Lincoln Day Dinner events, but the Missouri Republican Party specifically changed the name to include President Trump to show support and draw more Republicans.

Other Missouri Republicans cited similar disgust with Blunt over his decision to side with Democrats over the president when it comes to border security.

The Star reported that Ed Martin, president of the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense fund, believes that “Anybody thanking Roy for doing that is probably against Trump,” and another man was quoted as saying “I used to support Blunt. I just can’t do it anymore,” adding, “I’m sorry. He’s not supporting my president in the way that I anticipated.”

Blunt justified his vote using the talking point that says President Trump’s use of a national emergency to stop the endless flow of illegal immigrants, gangs, and drugs across the border would potentially allow future Democrat presidents to use national emergency powers to confiscate guns.

In an earlier article in the Star, Blunt said “Democrats have already made clear that they believe they could use this same authority to impose policies like gun control or the Green New Deal,” which most Republicans seem to agree is naive considering national emergency powers have existed in the United States for generations at this point.