In what could only be described as an insult to those seeking to hold clergy and Church hierarchy responsible for endemic enabling of pedophilia and sexual abuse, the Vatican may deem abuse of a 16 year old boy by infamous pedophile Cardinal Theodore McCarrick to be “consensual activity.”
According to a report by LifeSiteNews, the incident in question took place in 1972, when McCarrick, at the time a recently ordained priest, attacked an altar boy just before Christmas Eve in New York. The alleged victim’s attorney stated that in the first of two incidents, McCarrick unzipped the boy’s pants, touched his gentials, and told him not to tell anyone about it. McCarrick allegedly repeated this behavior a year later.
The accusation levied against McCarrick seems to fit within a mold of prolific sexual abuse the disgraced former Roman Catholic cardinal has admitted to. Before being forced to resign from the college of cardinals, “Uncle Ted” perpetrated recurring sexual abuse of seminarians(young men studying to become Catholic priests). After multiple allegations of abuse from McCarrick by former seminarians emerged, a man named James Grein(pictured above in a picture with McCarrick) stepped forward and presented a separate account of being serially abused by McCarrick as a teenage boy in the 1970’s.
In what could be the most infuriating element of McCarrick’s entire saga of pederastic abuse, the Vatican is said to have deemed the abuse allegations presented by the former altar boy(who thus far remains anonymous, unlike Grein) as being “consensual” activity on the basis of the 16 year old boy being supposedly of the age of majority.
Catholic accountability advocate Michael Voris discussed the ongoing canon law proceedings in a video.
The serial and epidemic pedophilic and homosexual abuse committed by Catholic clergy has reached a point where even the formerly most committed apologists for the Catholic hierarchy have confronted reality and admitted that many of the leaders they formerly defended are deeply corrupt and simply unworthy of being defended by practicing Catholics.