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Mar 1, 2021

Stanford University Babies Demand “Removal” of College Republicans from Campus

By Richard Moorhead

Left-wing crybabies at Stanford University are demanding that the school’s College Republicans chapter be wholly removed from campus in a new article for the campus newspaper, citing a laundry list of violations against the liberal religion. The appeal for deplatforming was made in an article in the Stanford Daily.

Stanford CR’s are known as a strong America First chapter of the organization, refusing the bow before the establishment College Republicans’ modus operandi of insider connections and backroom deals with political power brokers.

California College Republicans are pledging to fight back, refusing to cave as the Stanford Daily’s Claire Dinshaw demands the Stanford College Republicans be purged from campus. Dinshaw describes herself as a senior at the elite university minoring in political science and feminism, gender and sexuality studies.

The Stanford Republicans responded to the display of intolerance on Friday.

Dinshaw cites the standard university-liberal schpiel of “racist, misogynistic and hateful rhetoric” in her censorship demand, in addition to claiming supposed “transphobic rhetoric.” Dinshaw also refers to incidences of the Stanford College Republicans fighting back against Antifa-style thugs who have attempted to disrupt their events, claiming that publicizing the identities of left-wing militants who have tried to destroy their materials and presentations represents some sort of mortal threat to their lives.

Dinshaw’s political purge demand may be facilitated by Stanford’s status as a private university, where left-wing managerial elites are free to silence and censor anyone who they deem a threat to liberal hegemony. However, the academic integrity of Stanford will be revealed as little more than a sham if university administrators cave to her demands, with free expression reserved for recitations of left-wing ideas.

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