Sen. Ted Cruz (R.-Texas) endorsed former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice Roy Moore in the Dec. 12 Alabama special election to finish the term of former senator now Attorney General Jeff B. Sessions.
“This December, the People of Alabama have a clear choice. They can choose a liberal Democrat, who will stand with Chuck Schumer to raise taxes, weaken our military, open our border, and undermine our constitutional rights. Or, they can choose to elect Judge Roy Moore, a conservative who will proudly defend Alabama values,” wrote Cruz in a post on his website.
Cruz said he he strongly urges voters to elect Moore, citing his passion for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the courage of his convictions.
“In the Senate, we need reinforcements; we desperately need strong conservatives who will stand up to the Washington status quo,” he said.
Moore was a favorite amongst Trump’s base, beating out Sen. Luther Strange in the primary, despite the latter receiving an endorsement from the president himself. Strange was the appointed replacement for Sessions, who chose to compete in the primary for rest of the term.
Strange’s campaign was run by Jeff Roe, who also ran Cruz’s run for the 2016 GOP nomination.
The former chief judge shares many of Trump’s “America First” views, supports a smaller government and tighter immigration and was endorsed by Trump’s former top campaign and White House staffer Stephen K. Bannon–now again the executive chairman of Breitbart News.
Own his own website, Moore wrote: “We must allow willing states to protect the health, safety, and welfare of their citizens, and use our own military to protect our border. If a wall is our only option, then we should build it immediately.”
All supporters need to know is that Bill Kristol, the leader of the Republican #NeverTRump movement, endorsed Democrat Doug Jones.