| On
Jun 18, 2022

Texas Republican Party Delegates Boo John Cornyn for supporting Gun Control

By Jose Nino

Texas Senator John Cornyn received massive pushback from Republican Party of Texas convention delegates on June 17, 2022.

The reason?

His support of the bipartisan gun control “framework” that was rolled out earlier this week in the United States Senate. 

Delegates loudly chanted “No Red Flags!”  throughout the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston when Cornyn took the stage.

National Association for Gun Rights and Texas Gun Rights were present at this convention while activists handed out flyers to attendees. These flyers featured a message in which NAGR and TXGR called on the Texas Senator to “end his support of ‘Red Flag’ gun confiscation laws.”

Earlier in the week, Cornyn hinted at passing a national “Red Flag” grant program for states nationwide. Red flag gun confiscation orders would grant judges the power to issue orders to confiscate firearms from individuals who are deemed a threat to themselves or others. 

On the Senate Floor Cornyn spoke in favor of this grant program, “I believe that we ought to put every state in a position of seeking and receiving funds for crisis intervention programs that they have in place already, even if they don’t have a red flag law.”

The attendees were constantly booing throughout the convention as Cornyn gave a speech before the delegates. A video recording of this speech can be found here

“I think today should be a huge ‘red flag’ for Senator Cornyn that he must stop working with Chuck Schumer and Chris Murphy to pass Biden’s gun control,” declared Dudley Brown, President of National Association for Gun Rights.

“Senator Cornyn has hid behind his ‘A’ rating from the NRA for far too long and National Association for Gun Rights members are holding him accountable,” stated Chris McNutt of Texas Gun Rights, a state affiliate of the National Association for Gun Rights.

Constant pressure from pro-Second Amendment advocates compelled Cornyn to “walk” away from Senate gun control negotiations on June 16, though he indicated he was receptive to further discussions on gun control.

NAGR and TXGR are encouraging their members to call Senator Cornyn and other Republican Senators to cease all gun control negotiations. Instead, the pro-Second Amendment organizations want Republican Senators to focus on repealing gun-free zones aka criminal safe spaces. 

The other Republican Senators who have endorsed this bipartisan gun control proposal include:

Mitch McConnell (KY), Thom Tillis (NC), Roy Blunt (MO), Rob Portman (OH), Richard Burr (NC) , Mitt Romney (UT), Bill Cassidy (LA), Susan Collins (ME), Lindsey Graham (SC), and Pat Toomey (PA)

Pro-Second Amendment will undoubtedly have their hands full confronting this bipartisan gun grab.Regardless of the challenges ahead, NAGR and its affiliates are some of the few organizations who can always be counted on to defend the Second Amendment from all threats.

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