The Swamp
| On
Oct 25, 2021

Three People Show Up For Hunter Biden’s Luxury Art Grifting Scheme

By Richard Moorhead

A crowd of merely three people showed up at the second day of a private sale of the personal artwork of Hunter Biden over the weekend, from which the President’s son has sought to profit to the tunes of millions off of selling his personal artwork. Commentators have blasted the ethics arrangements of Biden’s art sales, pointing to the events as attempts to monetize the US presidency and allow potential conflicts of interest to funnel large sums of money to a direct relative of Joe Biden.

The New York Post reported on details of the younger Biden’s second art sale on Sunday night. An earlier Biden artwork auction in Los Angeles had attracted a larger crowd of elite liberals potentially seeking to lobby for positions of power within the Biden administration, such as Mayor Eric Garcetti. Negative publicity surrounding the ethically rancid event may have deterred interest in Biden’s second multi-million auction.

Osvaldo Jimenez, a New York man who described peering in at the younger Biden’s auction after being denied admission, described Hunter’s art as “s***.” Biden has sought to sell individual pieces of art for prices between $75k and $500k. Biden’s art dealer was seen wearing a Camp David hat during the first day of the auction, raising even more questions about the ethical arrangement of the auction. Biden has claimed the auction uses a system in which he won’t learn who pays hundreds of thousands for his paintings, although it’s totally unclear to what degree it’s enforced and credible.

Having a drug problem doesn’t make someone a terrible person worthy of public criticism, whereas using one’s status as the President’s son to attempt grifting in millions of dollars selling his personal art represents clear cut corruption and a potential violation of the emoluments clause of the US Constitution.

Biden has continued to slander computer store owner John Paul Mac Isaac, suggesting he could’ve somehow arranged for his laptop to be compromised with Russian propaganda and false kompromat.

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