Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who was roundly mocked after her bizarre live stream in which she drank a beer as though it were her first ever, is now offering supporters the opportunity to share a brew.
Earlier this year, the totally-normal-and-just-like-you Warren held an Instagram live stream in her kitchen, in which she awkwardly swilled beer as she prepared dinner for her husband. Republicans and Democrats alike mocked the interaction, with President Donald Trump perhaps getting the best jibe against the 1/1024 Native American congresswoman.
“If Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by me as Pocahontas, did this commercial from Bighorn or Wounded Knee instead of her kitchen,” wrote President Trump, “It would have been a smash!”
It appears Warren did not catch the memo, and is still pretending to be a totally normal American who enjoys kicking back and enjoying a couple brews. In fact, she is such a big fan of the alcoholic treat, she is inviting supporters to share a beer with her.
In a Facebook advertisement, Warren’s campaign, using her voice, writes “Every so often while I’m traveling around the country, I’ll have someone come up to me and say, ‘I’d love to grab a beer with you.'” The advertisement goes on, “Well, here’s your chance.”
The ad also notes that Warren prefers “Michelob Ultra”, a particularly terrible choice with a 1.91 star rating according to popular beer review website Beer Advocate.
For those who prefer not to imbibe, it also notes that Warren will be happy to substitute the beer with “coffee or tea” if the lucky winner prefers.
Hilariously, it turns out the opportunity to toss back some cold ones with the presidential candidate has a cash value of $3,000, at least according to the ad.
As Warren continues struggling to appear normal, we can at least say the congresswoman is not pretending to be Native American anymore.