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May 12, 2021

TransKids-Loving Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson Complains about Trump Dividing the GOP

By Shane Trejo

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson is making the rounds throughout the fake news media to complain about former president Donald Trump’s supposedly divisive influence on Republican Party politics.

Hutchinson blamed Trump during his appearance on CNN with John Berman for refusing to let an extreme amount of voter fraud slide. Hutchinson is apparently of the opinion that letting the opposition cheat and get away with it is the best recipe for national unity.

“It’s the former president Donald Trump who is obsessing about the last election. It’s the former president more than anyone else who can’t let go on the past and not look toward the future. So what would your message be to him?” Berman asked Hutchinson, adding that Trump’s messages have been “election lies.”

“Well, more importantly, the message should be to the Republican Party and our leadership whenever we do not have the president in power from our party, you have divided leadership,” Hutchinson said, uttering incomprehensible gobbledygook. 

“You have many different voices, and former president Trump is dividing our party and so it’s important that we do not unite with someone who is dividing our party,” he added.

Hutchinson made it clear that he is throwing Trump under the bus to protect infamous RINO Congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-WY), who betrayed her party, her country and her sacred honor by joining the Democrats’ unconstitutional impeachment witch hunt.

“Let’s talk about the differences with the Biden administration, and that’s what builds the party, that’s what brings people together, and that has to be our focus. Ya know, I don’t believe Liz Cheney should be ousted for a vote of conscience,” he said.

“I believe that we need to concentrate on more things that bring us together than to seperate us and, uhh, going down and seeing, ehh, former president Trump, uhh, to me causes more division than anything else,” Hutchinson added.

A clip of the interview can be seen here:

Big League Politics has reported on Hutchinson’s veto of legislation to protect children from being drugged and mutilated for the pleasure of LGBT predators:

In the latest sorry instance of craven Republican behavior, Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson vetoed legislation on Monday that would have protected children from being drugged and mutilated as part of a so-called gender transition.

Hutchinson vetoed the legislation that he called a “vast government overreach” that would interfere with the “parent, child, doctor-patient relationship.” He said that his heart went out to transgender children who would be forced to stop taking drugs as the result of the bill.

“That makes my heart break to think about it,” Hutchinson said.

He said that it is possible for lawmakers in both chambers to overturn his veto. The legislature is controlled by Republicans, many of whom actually have the courage to stand for the rights of children against an LGBT agenda that is after the souls of the most vulnerable.”

With his pro-trans leadership, Hutchinson has made it clear that he wants to unify under leftist principles. There is no place for individuals like this in the America First GOP moving forward.