The World
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Dec 16, 2023

Trudeau Regime is Exposed for Bribing Twitter “Influencers” to Promote Wuhan Virus Vaccines

By Jose Nino

The Trudeau regime apparently paid $682,000 to “influencers’ ‘ on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, since 2021 to attempt to convince Canadians to take the Wuhan virus vaccine and adopt his Liberal regime’s policies.

Per Blacklock’s Report, Health Canada has been a key contributor to this paid advertising campaign that has been operated in a relatively covert manner.

According to the campaign description, this is an “Influencer campaign to help people in Canada make informed decisions about COVID-19 vaccines.”

“Expenditures relate to work by the agency including planning, material development, influencer outreach and liaison, updates, content monitoring, evaluation, and as management of payments to influencers.”

The Post Millennial reported that the following X influencers were paid as part of this program: 

lanisDesilets, ArcticMakeup, BreCarpeRuns, CaleonTwins, CassandraBouchard, CharlotteB123, ChelazonLeroux, ChKairyn, ChristineKissickHome, DanielleIsAnxious, DashingDad_YYC, DoTheDaniel, EveMartel, FleurMaison, IAmSukhManGill, Indigenous_Baddie, ItsChrisRobins, JahJahBanks, JemmyEchd and JoselyneEffa.

Some of the other paid influencers included: 

Life_With_Benjamin, MomRdy2Go, OhKairyn, PascaleDeblois, PlayingWithApparelMen, RafaelLeroy, Riddjyy, ShaneWhalley, ShoshanaRose, SidAfz, ThatWarriorPrincess, TheDadCode, TheDiyMommy, TheLoistGirlsGuide, TheTinaSingh, ThreeLittleSeedlings, TresDuchelle, TychonCarter, UrduMom, VahineLefebvre, VardaEtienne and YoutheCEO.

Per a  March 31, 2022 report from CTV News, the Trudeau regime had used social media influencers across its federal departments and had dropped over $600,000 at that time to boost the vaccine and other government programs.

The CTV story appears to praise the Liberals’ program, asserting that “[s]eeking out influencers—social media users often with large followings who often use their platforms to make money by promoting products or events—to amplify government messages is a relatively new strategy being deployed by administrations across the world, and Canada is no exception.”

The Post Millennial was able to reach out to Dr. Mark Trozzi, who was punished by the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons for allegedly disseminating “misinformation” about the vaccine. Trozzi said that “17 million human beings are dead as a direct effect of these injections. Hundreds of millions of human beings were seriously injured. Almost everybody who can still think straight, looks around and knows a dead loved one, or a neighbor that’s had a stroke or a heart attack or somebody whose cancer’s come back with a fury.”

“Now we have young people with turbo cancers, you’re diagnosing stage four breast cancer in 30-year-old women or people who just face-planted at the table and dropped dead unexpectedly. Canadian data shows the same thing,” Trozzi added.

“I have made it very clear, this injection was never a vaccine. This is a genetic experiment, and at this point, it can only be called a bio-weapon. Anybody promoting it, or enforcing its promotion or trying to duct tape my mouth or anyone like me for saying it is guilty of crimes against humanity,” Trozzi declared in a concluding remark.

The Trudeau regime is corrupt to the core. It’s the posterchild of the Collective West’s globalist agenda. We often forget that many countries are much worse than the US when it comes to freedom. 

What’s taking place in Canada should serve as a wake-up call for Americans.The type of tyranny transpiring in the Great White North could easily make its way down here if we don’t remain vigilant.