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May 3, 2019

Trump Breaks Silence on Tech Censorship as Never Trumpers Bash The Banned

By Jose Nino

President Donald Trump in finally standing up for Conservatives on social media.

On May 2, 2019 conservative commentators such as Alex Jones, Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos were banned from Facebook and Instagram.

These individuals have been some of the loudest and most effective advocates for President Trump’s America first principles.

However, the censors in Silicon Valley weren’t having it.

And they could also count on gatekeeping conservatives like Cabot Phillips to defend this politically witch hunt.

BLP’s Tom Pappert covered Phillips’ establishment defense of Silicon Valley’s blatant political agenda.

Even seasoned Never Trumper Erick Erickson came out in defense of Big Tech’s latest purge calling Jones, Watson, and Loomer “reactionaries.”

However, President Trump is now laying down the hammer in a series of posts on social media.

Trump has vowed to continued monitoring the censorship of American citizens on social media platforms.

Trump came to the defense of African American commentators Diamond & Silk claiming that they “have been treated so horribly by Facebook.” He also acknowledged that it’s getting “worse and worse for Conservatives on social media!”


Trump also expressed his shock at Paul Joseph Watson being banned from Facebook and James Woods being banned from Twitter.

With Senators like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz leading the push in the Senate to investigate Big Tech’s influence on politics, social media censorship is set to be one of the most crucial issues during the 2020 elections.