Free Speech
| On
Feb 25, 2021

Trump Preparing Case Before “Facebook Supreme Court” to Restore Platform Access

By Richard Moorhead

President Donald Trump is slated to present an argument before a self-appointed ‘Facebook Supreme Court’ of sorts, seeking reinstatement to his page on the platform after being indefinitely suspended following the raucous January 6th US Capitol riot.

The Facebook Oversight board is almost exclusively composed of left-wing neoliberals, many of whom are affiliated with global tech corporations and leftist oligarch George Soros. It’s highly unlikely that the board is going to allow Trump to restore his presence on Facebook, raising questions as to the merit of the appeal.

The judges on the platform are employed by Facebook itself, serving as a de facto kangaroo court to justify the platform’s censorship decisions. The case regarding Trump’s account is the first time the court has been utilized to judge a case of censorship.

When Trump was suspended from Facebook on January 7th, Mark Zuckerberg had claimed “the risks of allowing the president to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great,” revealing he’d be suspended until the end of his presidency at the very earliest. Twitter has confirmed that Trump’s suspension from the platform is permanent.

The approach of asking left-wing oligarchs permission to use their poorly administrated, invasive and censorious platforms has proven to be a waste of time and a dead horse for the America First movement. Instead of asking to get back on Facebook, President Trump should take custody of the large Gab account already reserved for him, and invite his tens of millions of followers to join the free speech platform.

Follow me on Gab @WildmanAZ, Twitter @Wildman_AZ, and on Parler @Moorhead.