Fake News Media
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Jul 13, 2018

Trump SLAMS Jim Acosta’s Question in England: “CNN is Fake News”

By Laura Loomer

During a joint press conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May, Donald Trump DESTROYED CNN, yet again.

While answering questions at the podium, CNN’s Jim Acosta tried to speak over Fox News journalist John Roberts, loudly raising his voice as he said, “Mr. President, since you attacked CNN, can I ask you a question? Can I ask you a question please?”

President Trump replied, saying,  “No, no. CNN is FAKE NEWS. I don’t take questions from CNN.”

The encounter was hilarious, given Acosta’s history of throwing tantrums in the pressroom and getting shut down by President Trump.

This isn’t the first time Trump has called out Acosta and CNN for being fake news.

The exchange between Trump and CNN was so funny, even Theresa May and the rest of the press pool had a hard time containing their smirks and laughter.


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