An independent media outlet was censored repeatedly by Twitter on Tuesday for posting about an ominous ANTIFA threat to murder cops.
Media Right News was censored for merely reporting about ANTIFA in their own words. The social media giant is apparently obscuring their true agenda as they allow left-wing thugs to organize violent acts of terror on their platform.
After being censored by Twitter, Media Right News appealed the tweet and was denied. They appealed it once more and Twitter came back with the same decision.
“Our support team has determined that a violation did take place, and therefore we will not overturn our decision,” Twitter said in their denial notice.
“In order to restore account functionality, you can resolve the violations by logging into your account and completing the on-screen instructions,” they added.
The denial notice can be seen here:
Twitter is attempting to condition independent publishers like Pavlov’s dogs, forcing them to self-censor at all times in an attempt to conform with Big Brother’s unjust design. Media Right News is refusing to play their diabolical game.
“I did not engage in targeted harassment. I simply quoted Antifa, and we CONDEMN the quote from Antifa and disagree with the quote used only for news reasons,” Media Right News reporter Ian MacDonald told Big League Politics.
Big League Politics has reported on how Twitter and other social media providers have promoted ANTIFA in the past:
“The social media giant Twitter is allowing the Puget Sound John Brown Gun Club (JBGC), an ANTIFA militia group, to promote a reading list preferred by domestic terrorist Willem Van Spronsen on their platform.
Van Spronsen was killed while committing a terrorist attack against a migrant detention facility in Tacoma, WA in July. He had trained with the JBGC before he went on his rampage, which caused only property damage.
Far Left Watch discovered that the JBGC is promoting Van Spronsen’s reading list on Twitter. Twitter is notorious for letting ANTIFA terrorists promote violence on their platform…
“We brought hundreds of pieces of literature for community defense and firearms education, a magnitude more stickers, and gave away non-lethal defense options and donated books that belonged to Will Van Spronsen,” the JBGC wrote.
“Everyone annihilated our literature inventory, so we had to do a surprise round of printing in bigger numbers for Sunday, which also went quickly. It was also great to meet so many new people!” they added.
Previously, CNN gave a gushing review of the JBGC’s actions for their supposed support of social justice. They even featured Van Spronsen in their report in favor of the ANTIFA-affiliated terrorist organization. They described the JBGC as “white, liberal, progressive people, inclusive, friendly to the world” in April. The CNN promotional segment where Van Spronsen is featured can be seen here.“
Twitter must be brought to heel before it destroys freedom of speech while enabling terrorism from left-wing groups. This could be done by amending Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act or by classifying tech entities as utilities.