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May 29, 2020

Twitter Censors President Trump’s Tweet about Restoring Law and Order in the Minneapolis Streets

By Shane Trejo

Twitter is censoring a post from President Donald Trump on their platform warning that individuals in the streets of Minneapolis, Minn. who loot property will be shot.

“This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible,” the platform claims.

“These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!” Trump’s censored tweet reads.

The post is also censored on the official Twitter page of the White House:

Meanwhile, Twitter is allowing Islamic dictators to spread anti-Semitic messages on their platform.

After days of rioting and looting in Minneapolis, the violence is spreading across the country.

In Columbus, Oh., rioters have descended upon the state Capitol:

According to the Columbus Dispatch, 300 protesters blocked the intersections and there was a heavy police presence in downtown Columbus.

The protests were originally calm, but became disorderly late on the night of March 28, according to reports. WCMH Channel 4 reporter Eric Halperin reported that protesters started smashing windows at the Statehouse downtown and some were able to break inside the building. Halperin reported that law enforcement moved in to protect the Statehouse.

Rioters threw plastic bottles and other small objects at police officers earlier in the evening. Throughout the demonstration, protesters chanted “Black lives matter” and “Say his name”, referring to Floyd. The demonstrators also chanted “I can’t breathe,” which was a reference to Eric Garner’s death in New York back in 2014.

Seven people were shot in Louisville, Ky. as rioters targeted a police car due to their anti-civilizational rage:

Seven people were shot at an anti-police protest in Louisville, Kentucky, on Thursday night, just moments after riotous protestors were seen trying to flip over a police transport vehicle.

A sizable crowd of protestors were trying to flip over what looks to be a police detention car.

Remarkably, the local news reporter covering the raucous event describes the protest as “peacefully” as protestors clearly endanger others in their vicinity, those in the vehicle, and themselves by aggressively shaking a sizable police detention vehicle. The paddy wagon could have easily crushed someone inside or outside if it were toppled on its side.

As of early Friday morning, it’s still unclear who fired the shots during the scrum, with several Louisville police officers claiming that their weapons were unfired. At least one of the individuals who was shot is reported to be in critical condition, and the crowd quickly dispersed shortly after shots were fired.

The scenes from Minneapolis look like something out of a third-world sh*thole like Somalia:

Which, of course, has made Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and her daughter very happy:

President Trump is showing why he was elected as the law-and-order candidate, as he attempts to put down these riots that are causing senseless property destruction while the far-left cheers them on.