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Jan 14, 2022

“Unfit to Lead:” Tulsi Gabbard Recants Supports of Biden, Citing Partisan Extremism

By Richard Moorhead

Former Democratic Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has recanted her support of President Joe Biden, citing the President’s embrace of extremist rhetoric to demonize his political enemies. In a video released Friday morning, Gabbard referenced a divisive speech in which Biden likened his opposition to white supremacists, traitors and domestic terrorists.

Gabbard had acquired a reputation as a dissident Democrat during her tenure in Congress, criticizing her party’s seemingly unquenchable addiction to bellicose foreign policy developed during the Trump presidency and criticizing the racialist, divisive anti-white obsession of the overeducated liberal elites running the show. Gabbard had ultimately endorsed Biden in 2020, emerging as a critic of the deeply unpopular President shortly after his ascension to the presidential throne.

Millions of Americans voted for Joe Biden because he promised to unite us. He promised to bring us together- to end the divisiveness. Sadly, not only has he failed to do this, he has betrayed us all by pouring fuel on the fires of divisiveness that’s tearing our country apart. Biden has compared those who disagree with him to racists, traitors, enemies of bygone eras- and Biden now has his Attorney General targeting millions of Americans as domestic terrorists.

Gabbard alluded to sham “domestic terrorism” investigations Biden’s Justice Department has spurred against opponents of anti-white critical race theory in schools, at the demands of a left-wing school boards association that later apologized for its role in demonizing conservative parents.

In spite of campaign and social media allusions to “civility” and “decorum,” Biden has largely governed as a fierce partisan, cowtowing to extreme corporatist elements of the Democratic Party while refusing to recognize Republicans as well as elements of the Democratic Party more sympathetic to middle-class Americans.

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