White House
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Feb 27, 2020

Vice President Mike Pence Addresses Coronavirus Concerns While Giving Address to CPAC

By Shane Trejo

Vice President Mike Pence started his address on Thursday afternoon to the attendees of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Md. by talking about the Trump administration’s response to coronavirus.

“President Donald Trump has no higher priority than the health, safety and well-being of the American people,” Pence said, referring to President Trump’s “unprecedented action” to stop the spread of coronavirus.

Pence said that all patients who have been diagnosed with coronavirus in the U.S. have been treated and are doing well, but they will maintain on guard with the Vice President at the helm of the effort in the weeks to come.

“I promise you. We will continue to bring the full resources of the federal government to bear to protect the American people,” he said.

Pence said that the administration is looking to work in bipartisan fashion to stop the spread of coronavirus before launching into his promotion of the Trump/Pence ticket heading into this November’s election.

A group of hecklers were ushered out of the event yelling at Pence, as the crowd chanted “USA! USA! USA!” to drown out their jeers. One of the hecklers appeared to be dressed in a President Trump costume.

Pence compared Trump to former President Ronald Reagan, who addressed CPAC many times before his death in 2004.

“How great is it to have a President of the United States who embraces his role as leader of the free world?” Pence asked the attentive audience, adding that the world knows under Trump that “America stands with Israel.”

He also talked up the administration giving more healthcare options for veterans, increasing border security, supporting law enforcement and ICE against the far left, remaking the federal judiciary, and most importantly standing for the unborn.

“President Trump is the most pro-life president in American history,” Pence said to a massive ovation from the crowd.

Pence then went into promoting President Trump’s economic record, including tax cuts, regulatory reform, an energy policy overhaul, and revamped trade deals. After that, he took shots at the socialists running to oppose President Trump in November, calling their recent CBS News debate a “demolition derby.”

“The truth is today’s Democratic Party has been taken over by radical leftists who want higher taxes, open borders and late-term abortions,” Pence said, adding that the party of Harry Truman and JFK is gone.

“Let’s be clear. It isn’t just about Bernie. Despite what the media loves to tell you, there are no moderates in this Democratic field. Everyone of the other Democrats embraces Bernie’s socialist agenda,” he contended.

Pence made the case it is not enough for President Trump to be re-elected, but a cultural shift must be enacted in order to keep capitalism as the economic system in America for the decades to come.

“It won’t be enough to win the next election. We have to win the next generation,” he said.

He closed his address with an impassioned defense of freedom, using Venezuela as an example of what the U.S. must never become. He expressed his belief that the current generation is one that is embracing freedom more and more.

“Ladies and gentlemen of CPAC 2020, President Donald Trump is the real deal. He is a man who says what he means and means what he says,” Pence said.

“I want to challenge you. I want to challenge all of you… Keep bringing your enthusiasm. Keep bringing this support,” he urged.