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May 22, 2020

Vicious Nursing Home Attacker Had COVID-19 and Was Quarantined Among the Elderly Despite Mental Illness and Felony Charges

By Shane Trejo

Shocking developments have come to light in the case of a young black man who brutally battered an elderly military veteran at a nursing home in a video that went viral on social media.

The father of the assailant is speaking out, saying that his son suffers from serious mental illness and was quarantined in a nursing home with at-risk elderly people after testing positive for COVID-19.

Kimberly Craig of WXYZ 7 ABC broke the insane news that shows how the most vulnerable are being put at risk due to the decisions of government bureaucrats and the so-called first responders.

“He has issues and for them to put him in a facility like that, nothing good was going to happen,” the suspect’s father said to 7 Action News.

In addition to having a history of mental illness, the assailant has an assault case that is pending in Washtenaw County. This highly dangerous individual was put around vulnerable people who he could brutalize as well as possibly infect with COVID-19.

The assailant’s father said that his son had been taken to a group home for supervision, but had a mental health relapse as he was hearing voices in his head. When he was taken to the University of Michigan Hospital for supervision as a result, he was diagnosed with COVID-19. That is when he was taken to the Westwood Nursing Center where he would commit his savage assault.

It is unknown whether or not the nursing home called the police to alert them about the assault that had taken place in their facilities. The assailant is currently in police custody, and it is yet to be determined if he will be charged for what he did.

The sickening video of the assault can be seen here:

“He never should have been housed.. quarantined with the victim that he eventually assaulted. That should have never happened,” the father said. “Someone dropped the ball.”

The person who dropped the ball may have been Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who issued a directive that forced COVID-19 patients to be housed in nursing homes.

Big League Politics reported on how state Democrats are turning on Whitmer for essentially issuing death sentences to the elderly with her incomprehensible and arguably genocidal policy prescriptions:

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s heavy-handed authoritarian governance has made her a pariah throughout the state, and Democrats are starting to become frustrated with her leadership as a result.

State representative Leslie Love (D-Detroit) is flabbergasted over Whitmer’s order to send coronavirus patients into nursing homes, which has resulted in an untold number of unnecessary deaths by putting the most vulnerable population at needless risk.

“To return seniors into an environment, seniors with the virus still recovering from the virus, into an environment with, well, seniors, just didn’t seem — it’s not a good idea,” Love said.

Whitmer made an executive order in April that mandated seniors diagnosed with COVID-19 to be placed into nursing homes, called “regional hubs,” to be around other healthy seniors. State officials claim that the policy is effective because of distance requirements that are required between the healthy and unhealthy seniors.

“It’s a good move, a good step to make these regional hubs, and I think as we move forward, we have to look at making sure we’re really implementing best practices, looking to other best practices across the state,” Chief Medical Executive Joneigh S. Khaldun said.

Initially, the state wanted to put the sick seniors at the TCF Center in Detroit but that became untenable after the site was shut down. This meant seniors with coronavirus were put into nursing homes among the vulnerable instead.

Love is worried about individuals in nursing homes throughout the state, including her 86-year-old mother, catching the highly-infectious disease.

“That would break my heart because I’ve been on the front lines of this, trying to make sure our seniors — my mother, your mother, anybody else’s mother — does not get sick and die from this, particularly if they’re in a nursing home,” Love said.

Complicit government officials like Whitmer want to keep the panic going so they cannot be held accountable for their crimes against humanity in how they have responded to the pandemic.