Less than 12 hours after Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III had to debunk a false BuzzFeed story that accused President Donald J. Trump of felonious activity, the website was back at it, this time smearing teenagers in MAGA hats who were confronted by an elderly Native American man at the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
“The MAGA Hat–Wearing Teens Who Taunted A Native American Elder Could Be Expelled,” said an updated BuzzFeed headline.
Several other media outlets printed such smears against the boy from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky.
“Kentucky High Schoolers Allegedly Mock Native Americans During Washington D.C. March,” wrote the leftist rag Daily Beast.
“Boys in ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats Mob Native Elder at Indigenous Peoples March,” said the New York Times in one of the more egregiously wrong headlines.
“‘Blatant racism’: Ky. high school faces backlash after video shows students surrounding indigenous marchers,” said a USAToday headline.
The press also accused the boys of chanting “build the wall” at the Native man, which cannot be heard in any video of the incident.
There is a larger problem, though, with the media’s narrative on this story.
Indisputable video evidence of the entire interaction shows the Native man approaching the boys as they stood doing school chants on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The press blatantly flipped the narrative around. The boy at the center of the video, who has been demonized and doxxed by internet crazies, did not approach the Native man. The Native man approached him.
WATCH: (Continue reading below)
Twitter user Joey Salads reached out to the boys to get their side of the story, a step that was hastily skipped by the mainstream press, eager to vilify Trump supporters in any way.
He posted a Tweet showing several screenshots of conversations with the boys, all of them independently corroborating what can be seen in the video above.
“This is where the drummer was at first and we were all standing there doing school cheers and he started walking through our section banging on his drum and the drummer walked up to the kid and got in his face not the other way around and as u can see the kid just stood there and nobody chanted build the wall. We all just stood there and watched,” one student said.
“We were on the Abraham Lincoln steps and nobody was mocking him,” said another student. “We were just like yelling and getting hype bcuz he was in the middle of our whole school.”
“I am so sick of the twisted material flying throughout the media,” a third student told Joey Salads, claiming that the boys were accosted by other Native men who were with the drummer.
This student said that one of the Native men accused them of “taking our fucking land,” a common talking point among leftists.
This attack on obviously-innocent teenagers is one of the grosser smear jobs by the mainstream press in recent memory. Just when you thought the media could not stoop any lower.
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