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Jun 28, 2023

Washingtonians To Potentially Reconsider Soft On Drugs Approach After State Sees Nearly 3,000 Overdoses In Past Year

By Bo Banks

Liberal states being overtly soft on drugs has become a progressive staple. Because nothing sells the idea of “progress” and “inclusivity” better than a bunch of overdoses and drugged out residents.

Consider Washington State, for example, which has seen nearly 3,000 overdoses in the past year alone thanks to its pathetic approach towards decriminalizing drugs.

Per the CDC, Washington state has seen drug overdoses soar a near 22% over the last 12-month period ending January 31. And Maine came in second place with 716 overdose deaths.

Big League Politics has reported on this phenomenon in the past, where liberal states like Oregon are seeing “record-high overdoses” due to the decriminalization of hard drugs post-2020.

Washingtonians, however, appear to be waking up. They’re reportedly noticing this dark trend, and looking for change amidst having “the fastest-rising drug overdose rate of any state.” 

According to the Seattle Times, “the tide seems to have turned as fed-up Seattle residents say they would now support arresting people who openly use drugs in public.” Moreover:

Of the 500 Seattle residents who were polled by Suffolk University, nearly 60% said they support arrests for drug possession and drug use.

“This is completely in line with what I’ve been hearing from my constituents ever since I got into office,” said Seattle council member Sara Nelson. She added parents and business owners are constantly voicing their concerns about the rampant drug use throughout the city.

Ahead of midterms, Republicans in states like Washington and Oregon ran parts of their campaigns on blasting these decriminalization of drugs efforts.

For example, Republican State Representative Lilly Morgan said, “we have overdoses increasing at drastic rates… How long do we wait before we have an impact that we’re saving lives?”

Addiction researcher Keith Humphreys reported, “The Oregon ballot initiative was presented to the public as pro-treatment but it has been a complete failure in that regard.”

Hopefully this sad trend of overdoses leads to a massive change in policy. People are dying in the streets and politicians must stand up and do something about it before the issue gets even worse.

Washingtonians need to understand what they are voting for.

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