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Jan 18, 2022

WATCH: Dan Crenshaw is Booed by Constituents After Unloading on 11-Year-Old Kid at Public Event

By Shane Trejo

A shocking and disgusting video has emerged of Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) berating an 11-year-old child at a public event as the crowd booed him for his classless behavior.

Crenshaw berated the kid for having the nerve to call him out on his anti-Christian record. Crenshaw has a history of making statements in which he trivializes Christian beliefs.

“Don’t question my faith,” Crenshaw said angrily to the child as the crowd began to turn on him.

“You guys can ask questions about all of these things and I will answer them, but don’t question my faith,” he added.

“I didn’t question my faith. This is what you said,” the 11-year-old kid said, referring to a quote made by Crenshaw comparing Jesus Christ to Marvel superheroes.

“Nowhere in that quote am I saying Jesus is not real. That’s a ridiculous statement,” Crenshaw said.

The full exchange can be seen here:

Crenshaw likely became so defensive in response to the innocent child’s question because he has made statements against the Holy Bible in the past.

Big League Politics reported on how Crenshaw celebrates modern society “progressing” past Christian values as well as his belief that President Trump is a “hateful idiot” for calling out Muslim terror:

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) likes to market himself to the MAGA faithful these days, but when Trump was running for President, he found himself among the ‘Never Trump’ faithful.

In a since-deleted Facebook post, Crenshaw responded to a video about Biblical verses that are deemed harsh by the Left. He used it as an opportunity to bash not only Trump, but also throw Christianity under the bus.

“This video actually shows that western civilization, largely founded on Christian values, has progressed and reformed to be what it is today,” he wrote. “Those violent biblical verses are shocking to modern day Christians because we grew out of that a LONG time ago.”

Crenshaw followed his anti-Christian remark up with a tacit endorsement of gay marriage, criticizing modern Christians who oppose the anti-biblical practice.

“The worst thing modern Christianity currently stands for is anti-homosexual marriage, which is a far cry from sex slaves, sharia law, and beheadings,” Crenshaw wrote.

This is when he launched attacks against Trump because the future president spoke harshly about the importation of Muslims from countries that hate America.

“Trump’s insane rhetoric is hateful, yes. But worse, it takes away from a much more important conversation: the reform of Islam. There are plenty of moderate Muslims who could lead this effort, but they are hindered by America’s divided stance on the issue,” Crenshaw wrote.

“On the one hand you have idiots like Trump, and on the other you have equally ignorant liberals who refuse to acknowledge a problem at all,” Crenshaw added. “The rest of us in the middle are getting sick of it.”

… When Crenshaw wrote that post, he never imagined Trump would be elected by the American people the following year. He has since reinvented himself as a Trump supporter, but still works to subvert the President’s “America First” agenda on foreign policy.”

Crenshaw is the second coming of John McCain, and he responds to criticism in a similarly contemptuous manner as his neocon predecessor.

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