Violent Left
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Jun 22, 2020

WATCH: Twitch Streamer Robbed Live on Camera While Highlighting Seattle’s CHAZ

By Richard Moorhead

A new video emerging from Seattle’s Capital Hill Autonomous Zone appears to document a robbery in real time.

The video, which was reportedly filmed by a local Twitch streamer, features a man highlighting the graffiti “art” installed by residents of the anarchist commune. The man appears to be struck at one point, and an individual possessing what appears to be a crowbar picks up the camera. The footage of the video goes dark, but the individual expressing his glowing approval of the “All Cops Are B*******” graffiti can be heard wildly exclaiming “thief” as a foot chase can be heard.

Watch the ironic footage here:

The footage may have been captured live on the streamer’s feed. It’s unclear if he got his camera back following the robbery.

The alleged crime is far from the first to appear in the utopian anarchist commune; at least two shootings have occured in the Capital Hill Autonomous Zone since leftist rioters walled off a significant portion of Seattle’s downtown area for their own devices.

With the Seattle Police Department being “persona non grata” in the leftist commune, it’s likely the bewildered Twitch streamer will have to resort to filing a complaint with CHAZ’s “warlord,” a soundcloud rapper named Raz Simone who has largely seized up authority in the bizarre social experiment.