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Aug 20, 2020

Young Nationalist Organizer Rolls Out New America First Group

By Jose Nino

On August 18, 2020, a new America First organization was unveiled.

Nick Reidy, a conservative activist from Massachusetts and the host of the New American Patriots Podcast, announced the introduction of the America First Coalition.

Reidy tweeted “Looking to Make America Great Again? Then come join an organization that upholds your constitutional freedoms and is not afraid to fight for true conservative values. Welcome to the America First Coalition. https://americafirst.us #AmericaFirst #Trump2020.”



BLP reached out to Reidy to learn more about AFC.

He stated that the coalition’s goal is “to advocate for common sense immigration reform, including an immigration moratorium, and ending visa guest worker programs.”

The conservative activist from Massachusetts added that “the coalition consists of conservative campus groups including various College Republican chapters, and other groups and activists that support the AFC mission.”

Reidy cited Delaware Senate candidate Lauren Witzke and Alabama Senate candidate Jeff Session as inspirations for what America First candidates look like. Although they lost their primaries, Reidy believes that Doug Collins, who is running for a Senate seat in Georiga, is another solid America First candidate batting the GOP establishment who can actually become victorious.

Additionally, the America First organization is strongly in support of the right to free speech. Reidy commented, “We support every American’s First Amendment right to free expression online and on college campuses. We are dedicated to resisting cancel-culture and supporting law enforcement. ” To achieve this vision, Reidy stressed the importance of building networks.

“The way we will implement this platform is by creating a national network of conservative groups that will put America First!,” Reidy commented.

The young America First leader also noted that coalition is attempting to recruit college republican chapters, executive boards, and other GOP groups to join the coalition.

For America First to become a reality, younger generations must become more involved in promoting nationalist policies and building institutions that will outlive them. AFC recognizes this and is laying the foundation for the next generation of America First activism.

The coalition can be reached at the following email:


Those interested in the America First Coalition’s mission can head to its website here.