A ten-year-old transgender “female” (biological male) is walking the runway in New York Fashion Week as the satanic lifestyle is further mainstreamed on children.
The poor 10-year-old abuse victim, who goes by Noella, is being propped up by “her” parents. “She” allegedly started transitioning at the age of 4.
“Noella really doesn’t ever get nervous or scared by anything. She’s a tiny professional!” said Dee McMaher, one of Noella’s parents.
“She was so excited to go down the catwalk, excited to see all the people and the cameras. She knows exactly how to work a crowd,” McMaher added. “We are so proud of Noella for being the first trans child in New York Fashion Week, we are in awe with her confidence and determination.”
Noella has been given stock lines to recite as “she” is exploited to twist the souls of other innocent youth for the enjoyment of LGBT groomers.
“It feels good that I’m already inspiring trans kids to be themselves,” said Noella, who walked for the designer Mel Atkinson of Trans Clothing Company.
Noella claims that “she” is “showing the world that trans is beautiful” and is working to “provide trans visibility on a global scale.”
Big League Politics has reported on the institutional child abuse that underscores the transgender cult:
“A primer from the Boston Children’s Hospital titled, “When does a child know they’re transgender?” shows exactly how insidious and pervasive the child-abusing LGBT agenda is in modern medicine.
“A child will often know that they are transgender from the moment that they have any moment they have any ability express themselves,” said Jeremi Carswell, MD, who serves as director of the Gender Multispecialty Service at the Boston Children’s Hospital.
“We have parents who tell us their kids knew from the minute they were born practically, and actions like refusing to get a hair cut or trying to stand to urinate, refusing to stand to urinate, trying on a sibling’s clothing, playing with the “opposite gender toys,” things like that,” she added.
Carswell explained how she and her counterparts is helping children discover their new gender through therapy (brainwashing), drugs and mutilation.
“There is more and more, a group of adolescents that we are seeing that really are coming to the realization that they might be trans or gender diverse a little bit later on in their life,” she said.
“So what we are seeing from them is that they always sort of knew something was maybe off and didn’t have the understanding to know they might be trans or have a different gender identity than the one they have been assigned. So that is a growing population that we are seeing and that is being recognized as being trans and able to be treated,” Carswell added.”
This has gone too far. Only Christian Nationalism can protect the sanctity of children at this point. There will need to be a sharp correction for civilization to survive.