Violent Left
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Jul 14, 2019

ANTIFA Terrorist Who Attacked Detention Center Was Member of Militant Group Promoted by CNN

By Shane Trejo

Willem Van Spronsen, 69, was killed after attacking a migrant detention facility in Tacoma, WA on Saturday morning. It has since been revealed that he was a member of the Puget Sound chapter of the John Brown Gun Club, a militant communist organization promoted by CNN.

Far Left Watch exposed that Van Spronsen was apart of the group today in a Twitter post.

The John Brown Gun Club was promoted by CNN as recently as April where a commentator claimed the organization was “white, liberal, progressive people, inclusive, friendly to the world.” A man appearing to be Van Spronsen can be seen four seconds into a promotional clip released by CNN for their segment.

Van Spronsen released a manifesto to his comrades before he attacked the detention center in which he confirmed his ANTIFA ties and urged others to follow in his deranged footsteps.

“There’s wrong and there’s right. It’s time to take action against the forces of evil,” Van Spronsen wrote. “Evil says one life is worth less than another. Evil says the flow of commerce is our purpose here. Evil says concentration camps for folks deemed lesser are necessary. The handmaid of evil says the concentration camps should be more humane. Beware the centrist.”

“This is a call to patriots… to stand against this travesty against everything that you hold sacred,” he added.

Van Spronsen’s entire letter can be seen here:

ANTIFA is rallying around their fallen comrade, posting from their social media accounts lionizing Van Spronsen as a martyr and a hero for the anti-fascist cause. While conservatives are regularly tossed off social media for merely expressing their political beliefs, ANTIFA is allowed to promote terror on those same platforms.

Andy Ngo, a journalist who was recently brutally attacked by an ANTIFA mob in Portland, OR, highlighted the Seattle chapter for sympathizing with Van Spronsen in a Twitter post.

Two months ago, a member of the John Brown Gun Club was arrested and charged with felony harassment after apparently being photographed stalking right-wing activist Spencer Sturdevant while brandishing a firearm.

Many conservatives have called for ANTIFA to be named a domestic terrorist group at the federal level by President Donald Trump. This may be the best opportunity for Trump to do so, as their terrorist violence sweeps the nation.