UPDATE FRIDAY NIGHT: Brian Kemp is the winner of the Georgia Governor’s race.
American citizens are pouring into the Gwinnett County Election Board Office in Georgia as of press time Tuesday to “Stop The Fraud” that is threatening to turn the Peach State’s election process into absolute chaos.
Republican Brian Kemp, the declared winner of the governor’s race, has begun his transition to office as Governor-Elect, but the Stacey Abrams campaign and the Georgia Democrats are running a persistent effort to prolong provisional vote-counting in some counties, despite no statistical possibility of an Abrams win or recount. The Democrats are using phone banking, emails, texts, and even a campaign-style ad to find provisional ballots that were allegedly disenfranchised, although many Georgia ballots were rejected for reasons including non-citizens voting and non-registered persons voting. (READ The Absurd Fulton County ‘Provisional Ballot’ Numbers).
The Democrats seek to “Make Georgia Count,” according to the stated slogan of their campaign, and some wonder if they are simply trying to win some court precedents that they can use in future elections. One lawsuit by the state party and Abrams campaign seeks to allow non-county residents to have their votes counted in two counties including Gwinnett, while a Democrat donor judge actually ruled Tuesday that ballots in Gwinnett County must be counted even if the voter registrations lack a birth year.
Here are some of the concerned citizens making their voices known as the election board hearing is getting underway. Those in attendance still have “no clue” what, if anything, is going to be determined Tuesday. The American patriots are running circles around the rival Democrats, showing up to the board office at 1 PM while the left-wingers try to throw together some signs and grab some seats by 2 PM, according to a source on the ground.
UPDATE: Gwinnett County will certify its vote count on Thursday November 16.
The Kemp supporters got there early, holding their “Stop The Fraud” signs as early as 1 PM, while the Democrats got to the office closer to 2 pm and mobbed up the event, according to sources on the ground.
“It’s time to take the fight to these groups,” tea party leader Debbie Dooley told Big League Politics, referring to the left-wing activists. Dooley said that when she was challenged on the definition of voter fraud, she pulled the definition right up on her phone.
“I’m not going to be intimidated,” Dooley said.
Here, Kemp supporters ask an Abrams supporter if she believes in the rule of law. The left-winger sounds like a progressive activist, speaking in platitudinal pabulum meaning nothing, but with a mechanical assuredness to compensate for lack of substance.
There were accusations of pushing.
Dooley was repeatedly interrupted by left-wingers during her public remarks, and told us that the left-wingers were saying, “F— you” to her, which can be heard at the end of this short clip.
Here is one of the left-wing protesters making it about race: